Cromford Steam Rally was first established in 1970, the show was held on Cromford meadows in the village of Cromford, as the show grew, it moved to High Acres Farm, Dewey Lane Tansley, Brackenfield where it resides today.
Cromford Steam Rally Society became a registered charity in October 2023. This momentous change altered the basic structure of the organisation, redirecting our aims whilst maintaining our original ethos.
The Society is a registered company limited by guarantee and is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association.
The objects of Cromford Steam Rally Society are:
1. To advance education of the general public in the subjects of manufacture, history, use and conservation of all types of vintage steam driven vehicles and vintage vehicles of every kind.
2. To further such other purposes as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees decide.
Cromford Steam Rally Society is managed by the executive committee and Trustees:
Graham Wright
Richard Whittle
Darren Mellor
Executive Committee:
Graham Wright (Chairman)
Adam Whittle (Company Secretary)
Richard Whittle (Treasurer)
Michael Cheetham (Vice Chairman)
Our next AGM Meeting will be held on: